Saturday, January 26, 2013

Brisbane: A few hours on a bus in the rain!

Interesting how the locals pronounce the name of their town versus the way the Americans are absolutely sure is the correct way!  Brisbane, as pronounced by Americans is typically "briz bane (rhymes with vane/vein)".    The locals pronounce it "brizben" with little emphasis on the -ben!

All full-day tours (8+ hours), one of which we had, were cancelled and only the shorter ones, 4 to 4 1/2 hours were available.  We chose "Leisurely Brisbane".  As we looked out from our balcony on the port of Brisbane, we noted, yes, it is a cargo port, not normally used for passenger ships, however, because of the drought, the channel up the river was too narrow for us to pass.  Little did anyone know the amount of flooding that was to come and then the river would be too high!

The tent was erected just for us!  The buses and cars will be our transportation into Brisbane some 20+ miles away.

Three and a half hours, of our 4 hour trip, was spent on the bus.  Driving by this corner, we saw this sign.  Makes one wonder how liberal Brisbane may be!!  In reality, they were selling advertising!!!

Our one stop was at Kangaroo Point for a look down on the river and the main part of the town of Brisbane.  Our guide told us it is called Kangaroo Point because folks were reminded of a kangaroo's pouch with joey inside.  That may be stretching it a bit!

Looking STRAIGHT down to the ground just the other side of the "keep people back"  wall we saw this little fella.  He/she was perhaps 15" long and there was another smaller one not too far away.  That one didn't pose as much for the camera!  Hmmm!  Wonder if it is a run-away Komodo dragon!  We'll compare when we get to Komodo sometime next week!

Some of the folks on the bus wanted some shopping time, so the guide was accommodating and dropped them for a half-hour shopping spree in the heart of the shopping area, yes, rain and all.  Tom and I chose to stay on the bus.  There were half a dozen or so who stayed on.  After we dropped the shoppers, we headed to a place where the bus could park.  We passed this bar on the way there.  LOVED the name!  I have now decided what my career will be in my next life!!

Back to pick up the shoppers, there was a native all decked out for the big Australia Day (1/26) events happening that day!  Couldn't resist a pic.

So, that was our day in Brisbane!  It was so windy and rainy, we wondered if the scheduled big events would be postponed!

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